Wednesday 9 October 2013

>Be morbidly obese
>Lose over 100lbs over two years, coworkers generally supportive, complements and shit
>Receptionist is a bowling ball, approximately five foot in diameter
>Asked me how to lose weight when I was about 50lbs down, tell her I found out the secret is to eat less. She laughs and from that day on starts bothering me daily about what my "real" secret is.
>Explain calorie counting one day.
>"What program?" "uh no program, just counting the calories" "How much does it cost?" "Uh, free." Just laughs and keeps bothering me for my secret.
>Finally sit down with her one Friday when it's just us in the office and get her to take me seriously.
>"It really is just calorie counting, you always say you want to lose weight, I'd really like to help you."
>We figure out her TDEE, get her the myfitnesspal app, etc.
>She's genuinely appreciative, feels like she has the information and tools she needs, and we even plan her meals for the following week.
>Monday she comes in late, "Sorry I'm late my husband found this new gym that's only $10 a month so now I don't have to diet! We're going to do the treadmill every morning."

Fuck it.

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