Sunday, 31 March 2013
Sounds like the Navy, fat bitches everywhere when I was in.
arighty i got one
lose 20kg in order to join military
>enlist after 18months hard lifting but no cardio
>builtfat but suck at cardo
>pass every PT test though and enter into job training
>madatory PT twice a week and lifting every afternoon
>swimming and/ or running before lifting every 2nd day
>get progressively fitter and stronger since recruit training
>GF mirin hard, family mirin hard, errybody mirin hard
>come back from christmas holidays and my uniform hangs looser than before i left and lost 5cm on waistline in 4 weeks of "holidays"
>female in my course complains to our sergeant how she needs bigger pants
>was already huge before she left
>gained at least 5kg in weight over holidays
>she fails her basic PT test while most of us pass with flying colors because we actually get off our asses on holidays and maintain fitness and strength
>she bitches on FB how her body sucks
>drinks soda erryday
>eats chocolate erryday
>never trains voluntarily
>drinks hard every weekend hitting on every guy around getting rejected hard every time
>complains to the rest of us how hard it is to lose weight and get fit
>myself and my room mate got sick of it last wed and told her to harden the fuck up
>lectured her that if shes in the military she needs to at least have some discipline and determination
>she threatens with discrimination
>sergeant pulls me aside on friday and explains she made a complaint to him about how i was lecturing her about her being a lazy sloth
>we share a laugh and end up doing bench and deads that afternoon
>fatties gonna fat - even in the fucking military
can't say which or i WILL get formally raped
Saturday, 30 March 2013
Typical thin to fat girl logic
>have group of friends
>the quiet nerd of the group, I imagine they don't know why they invite me places
>decide to workout
>about a year later we hit the beach
>everyone is like "wow anon you got buff"
>fat girl, who was super thin in highschool starts flirting with me
>ignore her
>weeks of this goes by
>one of her friends tells me at a party that I'm being a dick to her
>"How am I a dick?"
>"She LIKES you anon and you're just toying her around and leading her on"
>"No I'm not. I ignore her."
>"but why man? Why"
>later that night after what seems like hours of intensive questioning I finally crack and admit I don't like her because she's rude, annoying and fat
>"But just give me a chance man! Don't be so shallow! I've been your friend for years just give me a chance."
>this bitch is so fat and stupid that she is trying to guilt her way to my dick
>I'm now known as shallow and a jerk and they are badmouthing me to my face instead of keeping it behind my back
>one of the betas in the group is trying to get her to fuck him
If she didn't delete her myspace I would post some before and after pics
Friday, 29 March 2013
Must be doing Starting Strength
>get done with leg day at the gym
>big mistake since I ran there.
>on the way home stop at the store in my gym clothes to grab a gallon of milk.
>standing in line and this 8/10 guy gets in line behind me with a basket.
>he's clearly mirin'
>"just get back from the gym man?" he asks
>Monstrosity of a hamplanet gets in line behind him propping herself up on otherwise empty cart with just two 2 liters of coke.
>I nod and smile.
>"Lookin good"
>"Thanks, you're pretty easy on the eyes yourself."
>he timidly brushes his hair aside.
>is this tfw qt bf?!
>he's laying out the fixings for chicken parmasean onto the belt.
>"oOoO Chicken Parmasean my favorite" I say to him
>So thirsty, have to start slugging down some milk now
>"Making dinner for me and mom"
>ham planet between gasps for breath manages to interupt our conversation and asks him "would you mind being a doll and putting my coke up there for me swetheart?"
>"Ah, how sweet, making dinner for mom." take another chug of milk.
> Hamplanet makes a motion I can only assume is to be pointing at my now quarter empty jug of milk.
>momentarily wonder if modern computers could model the chaotic motion of her underarm flab.
>"You really shouldn't drink that much milk, it's bad for you"
>must.contain.rage...nope, bitch is fucking with my game.
>"who the hell are YOU to be handing out unwelcome advice on what's healthy?!? I mean look at you!"
>she hangs her head in visible shame. I scoff and mumble "people" to Mr Q.T. Pants.
>qt glares at me
>"Just ignore him mom, he's a fucking ass."
Thursday, 28 March 2013
How a forehead gets fat:
The body usually deposits fat in certain areas first. Once those areas start to get really fat, the body will start to deposit in other areas which don't have as much fat. In the case of these fat people, it is their forehead. They have sooooo much fat everywhere else that the body just decided hey, the forehead is thin, we have room to lay down fat there. Let's do that since everything else is overflowing with fat.
Wednesday, 27 March 2013
The 6th Sense
>Pull into grocery store parking lot, park next to a Subaru with Uni or Vermont and Grateful Dead Stickers
>Fatty in the passenger seat on the phone with the window down, think nothing of it
>Finish shopping, go back out, fatty still on the phone
>Open rear side door to put in groceries
>A powerbar falls out
>"Hey can I have that?"
>Did I just hear a voice, what the -
>turn around, fat person is leaning out the window
>"Can I have that?"
>The fatty actually just asked me if she could just have one of my power bars
>Me: "Uh -"
>Her: "Oh it's one of those protein bars. Those are bad for you, you know."
>me: "sure..."
>Hop in the car and peel out of the parking lot."
>Fatty talking on phone
>Still instantly recognizes the sound of a food wrapper falling through the air
>Makes it out the window by the time it hits the ground
I don't want to live on this planet anymore. What the fucking fuck is wrong with people.
We need a new plague that specifically targets the obese.
Tuesday, 26 March 2013
40 Year Old Virgin
>work in a hospital
>forced to take my lunch break in a room together with all the nurses
>one of them is about 40-year-old fat as fatass
>they start talking about sex
>start sharing sex stories about weird shit that happened to them with men
>everyone tries to one-up the story before
>everyone laughing
>fatty says "I'm still a virgin. I'm waiting for the right one."
>fucking lose it and start laughing so hard my sides explode.
>realize everybody bertstares me
>holy shit, she was being serious
>later the day get a warning for "taking unscheduled breaks"
>fucking fatty had nothing else to report me for.
>be glad laughing is still legal.
Monday, 25 March 2013
U r 1 cheeky kunt m8
>Fat coworker is diabetic, always makes a big show of taking out his needles and insulin and going into the bathroom
>Always eating sandwiches and burritos to "keep the blood sugar up"
>"Cuz of the diabeetus"
>Always late, nice to clients and can actually build good sales relationships, but sucks at the rest of the job.
>One day waits until a couple people are in his area, and "faints"
>People freak out, secretary grabs candy from her stash and brings it over
>"Eat this, for your blood sugar!"
>Instantly awake, eating candy. Everyone relieved. Asks for more, eats more.
>Paramedics come (supervisor didn't even get up, just called 911 and went back to work. she knew what was up)
>Still eating, went through all the sec's candy, people buying him shit from vending machine.
>Tells paramedics the story, they shine a light in his eyes and take his blood pressure looking bored and leave
>Coworker goes home "sick", asks if anyone has food to eat in the car so he doesn't pass out again, takes two people's lunches with him
Sunday, 24 March 2013
The Biggest Loser: Another Clerk-Bro
I see these fat landwhales come into my store on a day to day basis. Allmyrage when they come through my till and go on about fitness. I dont normally check on till because I unload the trucks and do BDR, but every now and then I gotta go up front and greet these sad sacks of shit.
We have this one cashier who works for us, shes atleast 60lbs over weight. She invented this fucking contest like the show "Biggest Loser" where whoever in the store loses the most weight, wins a pot of money.
She acts like a no-it-all on fitness because she was skinny when she was in highschool/college. She coaches the other cashiers on how to get fit, yet shes fat herself, and acts like she knows everything about fitness but shes just quoting shit she read in cosmo or something
I tried to explain to her that this contest is rigged for the fattest person to win, and any of the /fit/ or skinny people there would stand no chance. She goes on about how you can be skinny or overweight, working the same amount will yeild the same amount of lbs lost. I try to defend those who are trying to gain weight through muscle and strength training. I just wanted to smack the bitch and tell her that this one dude who works with us whos 450lbs, if he went to the sauna every day for a week, hed drop 50lbs of water weight, your contest is invalid, you should base it on a Body-Mass-Index. She doesnt understand. Allmyrage again when this self-titled former fitness trainer doesnt know what a BMI is and thinks a fat person and fit person will lose the same amount of weight.
Saturday, 23 March 2013
Walmart wins again
>>be bagger at grocery store
>>fatass comes through
>>says shes starting to eat healthy
>>"lol k"
>>puts bunch of bags of prepackaged salad on belt
>>"Oh well, its something."
>>next up is...
>>bacon flavored croutona
>>"are you fucking kidding me"
>>bacon flavored ranch dressing
>>bacon bits
All of my rage and laughter at the same time. I was like dry heaving giggles afterwards when I went to the bathroom.
Friday, 22 March 2013
i fucking hate when fat disgusting people try to touch me. they defile my fucking body
>Be at bar dancing with friends
>Some of my friends are fatties, in face I'm the /fit/ one of the group
>Buddy whos trying to get /fit/ been training him, he has his eye on this one fatty, shes got a nice face though, shes got a friend, also landwhale, but looks like shes been hit by the ugly shovel
>Like I bro I help him out, we dance our way over to them
>Few songs later, they're all into eachother, and the ugly landwhale starts feeling lonely
>Tries to dance with me
>Ignore her for a few songs
>Gets to her "Fav song", she grabs my arm and starts jumping around hysterically, im just trying to ignore this ugly smelly fat bitch who wants to gobble my cock like a deep fried ice cream sundae covered in bacon.
>She touches my ass
>I pull my arm back immediately, dont even look at her
>She falls forward, onto the dance floor, fucking full out face plant
>Shes lying on the floor, I'm not even acknowledging shes hurt
>Continue dancing on while he bursts out of the bar crying out of embarrassment
>Buddy and nice-faced landwhale continue to dry-hump, they didnt see a shit
>Later that night they ask me where ugly went
Thursday, 21 March 2013
Meanwhile in Germany
>do a quick 2 mile jog to clear my head
>out of breath when I come home and wait for the elevator
>fat single mom with her fat kids are waiting as well
>her kids ask me what I was doing and why
>she just says "sport ist mord" which is a German for sport murders you
Wednesday, 20 March 2013
Sports for fat people
>Be at college
>Bump into -2/10 fat girl acquaintance at canteen
>Say hi
>She insists on making what should be a brief encounter into an hour conversation.
>She keeps talking about weight loss
>Asks how I've managed to lose weight.
>Wants to go to the gym but too ashamed to because "people will stare at her"
>implying they already don't
>Tell her to just go and that no-one gives a shit.
>She starts complaining that if she goes she won't know how to use any of the equipment if she doesn't have anyone to go with.
>Don't won't to get her hopes up with personal training sessions, nor do I really wanna spend much time with her so tell her to just talk to the PTs.
>"I can't afford a PT"
>Gym provides them for free.
>"I wish there was a team sport for just fat people"
>Sport. Fat People. Pick one (except sumo wrestling)
>She decides not to go the gym.
>"I guess I'll just save up and get another gastric bypass operation"
>mfw it turned out she wasn't being sarcastic
Tuesday, 19 March 2013
Monday, 18 March 2013
Should have run them over
>killing my gains with cardio
>footpath has place for walking/cycling
>see fatasfatass dad walking with his hippo child
>they take up the whole footpath
>gently go around them on the grass, trying not to provoke the dad hippo into shitting up while whirling its tail like a fan
>as a slowly drive past i can hear him say "buh, can't affort gas huh"
>driving again
>3 hours in
>see upcoming geep
>look inside
>hamplanet of a man
>looks at me with beady little eyes
>think that i should lift more and not become that
Fatties 'gon fat.
Sunday, 17 March 2013
10000 calories per day
>olympics are happening (not the current ones)
>media starts talking about how many calories some athletes eat
>fatty co-worker gets the idea that eating over 10000 calories per day will make him a fit, olympic tier athlete
>doesn’t increase exercise
>doesn’t understand why he got fatter
I’ve tried mentioning resources for weight loss/muscle gain to him before and all that got me is a harassment complaint
Saturday, 16 March 2013
Caught in orbit
>Obese aunt, about 120kg
>She convinces her doctor to agree to bypass surgery
>Feel Happy for her
>2 years later
>Get excited call : “Neice, I’m now almost as thin as you now, come see me tomorrow”
>Drive 400 km to see her
>She hasn’t even lost 20 kg IN TWO FUCKING YEARS
>She’s still fat as fuck, I’m 110 lbs
>Watch her get a big bowl of panacotta for dessert, and eat it by herself
>Be overwhelmed by sadness and pity
Friday, 15 March 2013
Perils of facebook dating
>Really fuckin hornylast night
>hit up a girl in the area on facebook
>flirt, get this pretty young thang worked up
>asks me to come over since her roomates are out
>go over
>find out shes a massive landwhale
>dont know how to respond
>she takes my hand and leads me to the shower
>we get naked and i notice how fucking fat she is
>she asks me to grab a sponge and wash her back
>i have to lift up her mutliple rolls and dig into crevices
>start to gag
>she starts kissing me and the shower is fucking ice cold
>tell her its cold
>she says shes warm
>leave without even getting off what the fuck
I should have left the moment i walked in
Thursday, 14 March 2013
Catch the bus instead they said
>on the bus coming home at about 9pm
>been up since 7am and been running around the city all day doing shit
>bus is stuck in a traffic jam
>road is like 2 miles long
>i start to get drowsy, radiohead playing softly through my earphones
>falling in and out of sleep
>i distinctly remember having a dream where im on a bouncy castle
>suddenly bouncy castle starts leaning to one side
>open my eyes a little
>his disgusting weight is actually causing the seat to dip a little (and those bus seats are pretty fucking solid
>pretend to still be asleep so i dont have to look at him
>the smell. You know that fat guy smell?. That smell.
>i realise in horror that im actually slowly sliding down the seat a little towards him
>io's gravitational pull is pulling me in
>slowly drowse again
>feel some movement a little later
>open my eyes a little
>he is touching my coat
>he has one of those thick chocolate galaxy milkshakes
>i realise he has spilt a little and its trickle on to me
>figure he's just trying to wipe it off without waking me up
>puts his finger in his mouth
>he starts moving his disgusting drool covered sausage fingers back towards me
>open my eyes suddenly and shout 'WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!'
>Mfw he panics and scampers away to another seat
>sit in shocked silence
>no more sleeping on this bus
>scarred for life
I seriously dont understand what goes through these people's minds.
apart from lard
Wednesday, 13 March 2013
Fat Acceptance
This isn't politics, this is pants-on-the-had retard shit. They are literally victims of themselves, and when people try to help them they get defensive. It's insulting that they compare themselves to ethnic groups and the such that actually suffered persecution.
If fat people were being lynched or legally not allowed to marry, I'd probably still be upset about even though their fatness was their own fault. But that's not the case.
Fat acceptance is like "facial tattoos of dicks" acceptance, "you still have to give me a job, just because people with dicks on their face are a minority doesn't mean you can laugh at me!". It's just retarded, not political.
Tuesday, 12 March 2013
Fitness Model Advice
> Be in college
> One classmate is female fitness model - fantastic ass, not "bulky" and she can into physiology
> One classmate is super-skinny feminist commie asian girl
> Fitness girl is having a conversation with two other girls about fitness
> Explaining how girls shouldn't be afraid of weights, they won't get bulky, squats and lunges, etc.
> Explaining diet is everything
> Says, "Back when I used to be chubby and I hated my body..."
> "STOP right there!"
> Enter skinny feminist, stage right
> "Don't encourage these girls to hate their bodies!"
> This gon be good
Let's see if I can get this from memory...
>"You're perpetuating gendered notions privileging thin body types over equally-healthy plus-size bodies, and reinforcing the patriarchal control men have over women's bodies as objects of desire rather than as vessels for our own social justice."
That translates to, "You're encouraging these girls to be thin, and I'm going to speculate that you think women exist only to please men. This makes you evil."
> Fitness girl has apparently seen this shit before
> "I'm encouraging them to take control of their own bodies through self-mastery and proven nutritional knowledge. What they do with that information is up to them, and I only hope that it makes them happy."
> Skinny feminist begins, "But - "
> Fitness girl interrupts. "I can squat two hundred and five pounds. How is that traditionally feminine? How does that not break stereotypes?"
There would be more, but I cracked up at this point and feminist girl turned her aggression at me.
Monday, 11 March 2013
Why are fat people so fucking impatient?
Happened to me last week.
>Be working at pizza place
>phone rings
>answer phone
>"thank you for calling blablablah my name is anon w-"
>"Okay, what would y-"
>frantically try to write down order as she barks at me
>"alright, that will be 55 dollars. We can have it ready in about 20 minutes"
>"OKAY" *phone click*
10 minutes later...
>hamplanet and 2 orbiting porkmoons waddle into lobby demanding their food
>explain that their food isnt ready yet and that they will have to wait
>beasts sit down, taking up entire seating area
>loud groans and complaining can be heard throughout the entire store
Answer: Because their life span is so much shorter, they can't afford to wait for pizza, they need it in their mouth yesterday, so they can stuff more food in it today before they finally buy the farm and all the food there, too.
It's not my fault, the NHS should have helped: The former world's fattest man to sue health service for his weight gain
This is the cunt in question now: The hero that gotham deserves.
A man who once weighed nearly 70 stone is to launch legal action against the NHS, claiming they failed to help him as his size soared.Former postman Paul Mason received life-saving gastric surgery last year binge-eating his way to gargantuan size.But the 50-year-old, who now weighs in at a comparatively small 37 stone, said he should have been helped years ago.Fattest man: Paul Mason received a vital operation after ballooning to nearly 70 stone but plans to sue the NHS for ignoring his pleas for helpMr Mason, who was eating 20,000 calories a day at his heaviest, claims he sought help from his GP after ballooning to 30 stone.Instead of receiving a treatment programme to manage his weight, he has complained he was told in 1996: 'Ride your bike more.'
He also says he was sent to a dietician, rather than the eating disorders specialist he had asked to see, after his weight hit 64 stone.'I want to set a precedent so no one else has to get to the same size - and to put something back into society,' Mr Mason told The Sun.Binging: Paul Mason was eating 20,000 calories a day at his heaviestLife-saving op: Paul Mason is lifted into place ahead of the surgery that helped him lose 20 stone in a yearHe has pledged to put any compensation he receives if successful towards helping other obese people lose weight.An NHS spokesman said of the purported lawsuit: 'As we have not heard from Mr Mason, it would be inappropriate to speculate.'Mr Mason's care bill costs taxpayers an estimated £100,000 a year and is believed to have topped £1million over the past 15 years.At the height of his binge eating, he was consuming 20,000 calories every day - ten times the recommended daily intake for a man.Increased mobility: Paul Mason now uses a motorised wheelchair to get around after surgery helped him shed 20 stoneThough he has vowed to help other people in need of weight loss operations, the cost of Mr Mason's condition will have enraged patients on NHS waiting lists, commentators said this week.'It’s such a shame that so much time and resources have to go to help one person, these nurses will be sorely missed at a time when public finances are squeezed,' said Charlotte Linacre, Campaign Manager at the TaxPayers’ Alliance.'Although there is sympathy for people struggling with health issues, taxpayers will not feel this is a fair allocation of funds as they sit on waiting lists while footing the bill for his personal care.'
Guy must have shit like a train.
Sunday, 10 March 2013
Dead obese woman had so much body fat she set the building on fire during her cremation
- Crematorium oven reached 300C and set alight to the filter
- Black smoke billowed into the building
- Firefighters battled the blaze in special breathing kit, but got covered in burnt grease
By HELEN COLLISPUBLISHED: 14:44 GMT, 5 June 2012 | UPDATED: 15:43 GMT, 5 June 2012
- Officials call for weight limit on bodies to be cremated
Austrian crematorium officials have blamed a deceased woman's obesity for causing a blaze which had to be tackled by firefighters.
Firemen in the southern city of Graz were covered in thick sticky soot as they tried to prevent the blaze from taking hold of the building.
The case has been widely reported in Austrian media, including in the ORF - the country's equivalent of our BBC - and has ignited calls for a weight limit on bodies to protect against future fires.
Firemen whose clothing was left covered with a layer of sooty grease were snapped as they tackled the difficult to extinguish blaze in special breathing gear to avoid inhaling the fumes
Some countries such as Switzerland and the UK already have facilities which cater for extra large bodies, in line with the growing trend of expanding waistlines.
Speaking to the Daily Mail online, funeral director Christea Bogdan, of Gillman Undertakers, Tooting, south London, said he had never before in his career heard of such an event.
'I have never come across such a case,' he said.
An expert report on the Austria fire has revealed that the woman being cremated weighed more than 200kg - or 31st 7lbs - and her size had caused the oven to overheat.
The press reports state that the filter temperature reached 300C and officials realised there was a problem when thick black smoke started billowing into the building.
The device was immediately switched off but by then there was already a fire in the filter.
Austrian crematorium officials are considering putting a maximum weight on bodies after one overweight client had so much fat on her body that it caused the oven to overheat
Firemen whose clothing was left covered with a layer of greasy black soot were snapped as they tackled the difficult to extinguish blaze in special breathing gear to avoid breathing in the fumes.
In the end they had to bring the fire under control by sending a blast of water in through the vents used to clear the filter. Repair work took several days during which time the crematorium was out of action.
Firemen said that after reports of similar problems at other cemeteries not only in Austria but also in Switzerland, officials were now are considering a ban on larger bodies.
London-based Bogdan said: 'We do have large bodies that we have to deal with, which weigh 30+ stone, but not very often.
'We follow the same procedures as usual for large bodies. We have to check the size in the crematorium to check the person in the coffin will fit in the crematorium.'
Mr Bogdan said most crematoriums dealt with a standard 36ins outside measurement of a coffin. However there were some facilities, such as the City of London Crematorium, which now catered for larger, 50-55ins coffin circumferences.
Graz-based fireman Otto Widetschek said: 'Crematorium officials need to be more responsible and not just automatically put everybody in to be cremated.'
He said that in Switzerland there were moves now to make sure that XXL bodies were routinely shipped to a special crematorium able to deal with the extra heat caused by larger bodies.
Saturday, 9 March 2013
>cracked toilet seat in half
Oh god you gave me flash backs of living with my fat mum now, this is my first FPS so forgive me the shitty greentext
>move into new house at 15
>mom is an easy 140kgs, but an awesome lady apart from that
>not a month after settling in all the bathroom handles and towel racks were snapped off from a huge weight being stressed onto them
>the toilet seat was changed every two months as they kept on mysteriously breaking in half
>even the toilet paper holder broke off, apparently that was used as a holster for mum to get on and off the toilet
>dining chairs all eventually cacked it mysteriously also and we all just ended up eating dinner on the couch
>remember mums bed breaking in the middle of one night and her asking me to retrieve cinderblocks from the backyard
>cinderblocks were too small so we dismantled all the legs on the bed and replaced them all with cinderblocks, plus extra in the middle as it was sagging dangerously low at that stage
>mums computer chair eventually breaks, winds up using lounge chair in front of desk
>everything she sits on inevitably breaks, learn fast not to leave anything on chairs ever
>every time something broke she would 'go on a diet' which would usually encompass an all liquid, salads covered in ranch, and magical weight loss pill regime with the occasional dog walk
>last a week tops before she inhales a cheesecake on the way home from work one day
Friday, 8 March 2013
It's pretty much exactly like you're gay and in the closet but instead you're just into fatties.
>mfw I am a FA of BBWs (fat admirer of big beautiful women, as the lingo goes)
>mfw I jerk it to "progress pics" and weight gain fiction on a near nightly basis
>I've had the fetish for almost 15 years now
>Every women I've dated has been at a normal weight, not even big titties (and I was fine with that, a rewarding relationship doesn't start and end on a dumb fetish)
>I myself go to the gym three times a week and walk daily, never been fat in my life
>Will never date a BBW, slowly influence women I date to become fat, or even admit to anyone beyond a damn image board
>This is because common sense trumps a fucking fetish
>I hate the whole "fat acceptance" community and will never join up on their damn circkjerk message boards
>Hate myself the most of all
I would pay a thousand dollars to be rid of this shit.
Thursday, 7 March 2013
happened back in 07.
>Be senior in highschool.
>Be in JROTC program.
>Be first day of school, beginning of JROTC program that year.
>Fat little 8th grader waddles in.
>Looks at me.
>Asks if we're required to run in this course.
>Tell him yes.
>He waves good bye and waddles out.
>Never see him again.
Wednesday, 6 March 2013
Thin Privilege is not going to a Target store for over 1 year and not knowing that they stocked plus size clothing because it was hidden behind the maternity section with no sign.
>stretching out ready for cardio on elliptical machine
>stretched out skinnyfag with twigs for arms and legs dressed jeans and with microphone headset enters gym with fat girlfriend
>they don't do any warmups
>she gets on treadmill (cliche, right)
>barely gets 15 minutes
>boyfriend is monkeying around the weight machine
>weights are either at the first or second level
>does a few pulldowns and curls
>starts cycling but doesn't adjust the seat so it looks like the most uncomfortable cycling ever
>they leave once she's done
>I'm trying to control my WHY for the rest of my cardio workout
Tuesday, 5 March 2013
>Go to a small party
>Socializing with a small group of people
>All of a sudden, a wild hamplanet appears
>Dafuk did this bitch come out from?
>Apparently it's a roommate, didn't know the moon was attending my university.
>After complaining about how tired she is, despite having just woken up, it starts talking about how smart she is for having done her GRE's
>Fatty keeps blabbing about herself, despite no guy giving her any attention.
>Tries to kick it up a notch by talking about how Marilyn Monroe and other bitches from that era were fat
>The fuck kinda transition is that?
>Host brings out a tray of brownies and offers some, decline cause I'm on keto.
>Fatty takes 3 and looks over at me saying "You can watch me eat them and live vicariously through me."
>Say "I don't want to get fat by looking at you."
>Fatty says to the host "Anon, I think you need to tell you friend to leave."
>Fatty wadles over to the door (whatta workout!) and opens the door for me.
>Look her in the eye as I walk out and see her sense of self-loathing for being so weak
>Walk back to my room feeling prideful as fuck.
Monday, 4 March 2013
This is why I hate fatists
>ham planet girl in my class
>sits a few rows infront of me
>i would say about 330-350lbs
>came late to class
>she sits in the middle of the class
>other kids literally had to move their desks, not just their chairs, so she could fit through
>kid who sits next to her (a dude who goes to my gym) moves his desk over a foot or two
>hamplanet sccreams at him saying "just because you're a thin strong man doesn't mean you can take advantage of a large independent woman like me!"
>gymbro says "i'm sorry i just thought you needed some space..."
>hamplanet uses all the power she had and concentrated it into one slap to the back of his head and then tries to walk away
>gymbro stands up obviously mad as fuck and trips her
>she falls with the force of a thousand suns onto a desk, breaking one of the legs of it and injuring a student
>everyone gets pushed back from the shockwave
>gymbro stands there motionless
>hamplanet tries to get up
>no one helps her
>begins to cry
it was so funny to watch
Work stories
>Very fat lady at work
>Nice enough person, just can't stop eating
>One day comes back at lunch with enough food for four people, starts to eat it all
>Catches me looking dumbstruck "What?"
>I er... you're going to have a tummy ache
>It's fine.
>About an hour later, she complains of a belly ache
>She's bending over to get something out of her peddlestool when she farts, like a "hilarious" cartoon fart...
>What followed was she shouted "OH GOD" followed by her jeans turning oily brown...
>and diarrhoea trailing out of the bottom of her jeans causing everyone at their desks to scream and recoil in horror
>she ran out crying
>never came back
Sunday, 3 March 2013
Damn those cadbury eggs
>use to be a giant hamplanet
>would constantly eat shit
>when easter would come around i would an average of 6-10 cadbury eggs in a row
>christmas comes around eat constant shit
>legs would go numb
>would try to lose weight by doing some stupid cardio shit
>would purchase the exercise ball and would have to buy a new one every 2 months because they would always break on me
>would cry when i gained weight
>constantly hated how fat and ugly i was
Looking back now, I'm in much better health (but have a long ways to go), I was a walking FPS, but whenever I look at pictures now of myself, I feel a bit sad.
Saturday, 2 March 2013
That feeling
>Roommate is lazy as fuck, hardly ever leaves his room except to go to class
>Doesn't have class a few days a week since his major is a joke and he has independent study courses
>Despite having so much free time he insists on getting fast food for at least one meal a day rather than just cooking something healthier
>Chips and pop all day on top of that
>Hardly ever goes out anymore, and when he does it's with his girlfriend's friends
>His girlfriend is also gross, boring, has joke major
>I would worry about what's going to happen to them if he didn't assume my going to the gym and joining a fraternity meant I was trying to be a stereotypical frat bro
Friday, 1 March 2013
Girl science
>bf use to be hamplanet; now lost over 150lbs (back at her high school weight)
>looked up to her and my other bf and started to seriously lose weight
>lost so far 92lbs but I have at least 50-70lbs to go before i'm at mirin' stage
>other friend is very nice smart girl but total hamplanet (350lbs and 5'9)
>constantly goes on this fad diets that always fail
>bf constantly tells her to just cut calories and exercise and she'll drop the weight
>fatass friend always complains that it's not the "fast way to lose weight"
>bf lost 150lbs within 1 year by becoming a vegeterian and exercising at least 2-3 hours a day
>fatass friend complains about how fat she is but never does anything about it
>fatties gonna fat
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