Friday, 29 March 2013

Must be doing Starting Strength

>get done with leg day at the gym
>big mistake since I ran there.
>on the way home stop at the store in my gym clothes to grab a gallon of milk.
>standing in line and this 8/10 guy gets in line behind me with a basket.
>he's clearly mirin'
>"just get back from the gym man?" he asks
>Monstrosity of a hamplanet gets in line behind him propping herself up on otherwise empty cart with just two 2 liters of coke.
>I nod and smile.
>"Lookin good"
>"Thanks, you're pretty easy on the eyes yourself."
>he timidly brushes his hair aside.
>is this tfw qt bf?!
>he's laying out the fixings for chicken parmasean onto the belt.
>"oOoO Chicken Parmasean my favorite" I say to him
>So thirsty, have to start slugging down some milk now
>"Making dinner for me and mom"
>ham planet between gasps for breath manages to interupt our conversation and asks him "would you mind being a doll and putting my coke up there for me swetheart?"
>"Ah, how sweet, making dinner for mom." take another chug of milk.
> Hamplanet makes a motion I can only assume is to be pointing at my now quarter empty jug of milk.
>momentarily wonder if modern computers could model the chaotic motion of her underarm flab.
>"You really shouldn't drink that much milk, it's bad for you"
>must.contain.rage...nope, bitch is fucking with my game.
>"who the hell are YOU to be handing out unwelcome advice on what's healthy?!? I mean look at you!"
>she hangs her head in visible shame. I scoff and mumble "people" to Mr Q.T. Pants.
>qt glares at me
>"Just ignore him mom, he's a fucking ass."

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