Sunday, 31 March 2013

Sounds like the Navy, fat bitches everywhere when I was in.

arighty i got one

lose 20kg in order to join military

>enlist after 18months hard lifting but no cardio
>builtfat but suck at cardo
>pass every PT test though and enter into job training
>madatory PT twice a week and lifting every afternoon
>swimming and/ or running before lifting every 2nd day
>get progressively fitter and stronger since recruit training
>GF mirin hard, family mirin hard, errybody mirin hard
>come back from christmas holidays and my uniform hangs looser than before i left and lost 5cm on waistline in 4 weeks of "holidays"
>female in my course complains to our sergeant how she needs bigger pants
>was already huge before she left
>gained at least 5kg in weight over holidays
>she fails her basic PT test while most of us pass with flying colors because we actually get off our asses on holidays and maintain fitness and strength
>she bitches on FB how her body sucks
>drinks soda erryday
>eats chocolate erryday
>never trains voluntarily
>drinks hard every weekend hitting on every guy around getting rejected hard every time
>complains to the rest of us how hard it is to lose weight and get fit
>myself and my room mate got sick of it last wed and told her to harden the fuck up
>lectured her that if shes in the military she needs to at least have some discipline and determination
>she threatens with discrimination
>sergeant pulls me aside on friday and explains she made a complaint to him about how i was lecturing her about her being a lazy sloth
>we share a laugh and end up doing bench and deads that afternoon
>fatties gonna fat - even in the fucking military

can't say which or i WILL get formally raped

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