Sunday, 5 May 2013

He's not fat, just bulking

>hamplanet of a guy who goes to my school friends me on fb
>never met him before but we have a lot of mutual friends
>new years comes, sees he's going to start a diet and gym program
>new classes come in about a month due to semester changing
>it's in two of my classes
>one of them is a morning class
>it shows up with a bacon egg and cheese sandwich, donut, sausage egg and cheese from dunkin donuts
>along with a homemade "dietary" omelet(know this because he was telling everyone in his fucking row)
>exams come
>one teacher is nice enough to let us eat once were finished because school has stupid policy about staying in class until everyone's done
>it pulls out a five guys double bacon cheeseburger along with two orders of fries
>go on fb later, see post from it saying about how it hates being on a diet

I swear, he has bigger tits than every girl at my school

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