Saturday, 25 May 2013

She just has rolls of fat behind her that seep some kind of waste fluid

>Respond to craigslist ad from girl in the platonic section because I just want to hang out with somebody and I'd feel weird responding to an ad from a dude.
>She sends me her picture (pic related)
>Oh well, I'm just trying to hang out it's not like I'm gonna try and fuck or anything she likes xbox so we could play some games or something.
>Get there (Turns out it's her mom's apartment. Her mother and mom's boyfriend is still there.)
>She is a single mother
>Okay I can put this aside if it's just platonic
>Hanging out there playing aliens colonial marines on her xbox with her mom/mom's boyfriend/kid watching.
>Feel prickling on my leg
>look down
>Fucking fleas from her cat
>Oh god
>Her mother asks me when I'm gonna marry her daughter
>'Not yet mom, me and my boyfriend just met a little while ago'
>Oh god no.
>Boyfriend is high out of his fucking mind on what smells like crystal meth.
>He starts cracking up laughing his ass off
>He gets up and leaves the room
>Hear him laughing in the parking lot
>He won't stop laughing
>Potato keeps trying to get closer
>Reach edge of couch/wall scootching away
>She's got me cornered
>She's grabbing my thigh and rubbing my dick
>Her mother is watching silently.
>She reaches for my belt
>Panic, get up and run out back to my car.
>Get the fuck out of there.
>Boyfriend is still laughing his ass off in the parking lot.

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