Thursday, 10 April 2014

I live in Finland, and my mother visited Colorado. She said that she couldn't finish a single meal in the week she was there, since they were so huge.

>she asked the way to some event she wanted to go to, that was near the hotel and she thought was close enough to walk to, 2km or so
>hotel clerks jaw drops and he tells that other customers(mostly americans) took golf cabs and drove that distance
all of the keks

Hate working with fat people:
>work at a small indie cinema complex in Britbongistan
>co-worker is an American-fat tier lardass
>constantly bringing in the unhealthiest foods and complaining how she doesn't lose weight
>sneers at my chicken and brown rice as 'no flavour'
>everyone hates her
>she's 40 w/ 2 chavy kids and everyone who isn't a manager is >25
>"pulled" her stomach last week deck scrubbing the floors and couldn't do any cleaning for two weeks
>had to do all her cleaning and mine
>best friends with two of the female managers so she'll never be fired

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