Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Background, I work as a medical assistant before I start med school next summer. One of my responsibilities is phlebotomy, drawing blood, for diagnostic tests

>get called for blood draw
>patient is a massive mexican moon
>she has 22 inch arms. I'm mirin hard and wonder what her routine is
>I make small talk while I tie the tourniquet on her arm to make it easier to find a vein
>the elastic tourniquet is about to snap from being stretched by her huge arms
>I try to palpate for a vein and can't feel a thing
>she notices and says, "oh you must not be very good at this"
>as if its my fucking fault that I can't find a vein and not her fault for being a fat piece of shit with diabeetus, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia
>I grind my teeth
>[raging internally]
>feel what I think is a vein
>tell her, "no I'm good at this"
>stab her with the needle
>draw out blood perfectly
>bitch doesn't even apologize

After the blood coagulated and I spun them in the centrifuge her serum, the liquid portion of the blood, looked like melted butter. Normally it is a clear pale yellow color but not for this fat bitch

fucking whales

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