Monday, 12 August 2013

Worst day of my life. I never realized how bad it was to be fat until that day.

>Live in Hawaii
>Fat ass fatass
>I get picked on a lot because A) I'm Fat B) I'm White
>Still I try to be nice, have fun
>One day my friend she ask me to go to the beach with her
You just want me to flash my tits to get the boys over huh?
>Oh anon hahaha
>So we go to the beach and meet up with some of her friends
>They all go boogie boarding and body surfing while I watch, and bake. (Sunburn not chronic)
>Ah, fuck it, I'm fucking bored. So I start digging a hole so i can bury myself
>Im a fat fuck, so first of all it's fucking hard work digging when you're fat. Secondly, you need a huge ass hole. Which, oddly enough, most of my friends friends are.
>I'm tired, my hole is big, i lay down in it. Just about to slowly pull the sand over myself. (Best I can)
>Here comes the local kine braddahs
>"Hey, look at dis Haole Boy, he fall down eh! make a crater."
What, no. I dug a hole.
>"Ya i know brah, that's what I said."
Fuck you
>He is pissed
>Oh fuck, I'm fucked.
>I'm stuck, the hole was just deep enough to make any mobility I had vanish
>Him and his buddies start burying me. They leave my face, tits and belly exposed. Laughing at me trying to turtle roll on my front side.
>Each of them slaps my belly and man cans. Some fat jokes. And depart.
>I start crying, i don't know what else to do
>My friend finally gets out of the water, thought I knew those guys.
>I just want to leave, so we do

A month later I ended up moving to Washington. Got a gym membership, started eating right.

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