Friday, 9 August 2013

I used to work at a Fred Meyer in Washington... the following is the gods honest truth unfortunately.

>be me, 16 year old cart pusher
>regular fatty comes in
>electric cart
>he actually lives in a bus on the property but loss prevention is too busy smoking weed in their office to give a fuck
>hes actually the fattest human i've ever seen
>his lard spills over the armrest of the electric cart
>it whines in protest as it slowly moves through the store
>he regularly steals from the store
>little things, like nuts out of the bins
>smell so bad grocery manager makes us throw out the entire bin that hes stuck his hand into
>everyone too passive aggressive to make him stop
>i'm tasked to follow him and throw away shit he touches
>see him go into the bathroom, no big deal
>20 minutes later he leaves
>i look inside
>mother of god.jpg
>he has showered in the sink. his hair is coming out so its fucking everywhere, all over the sink
>he shat on the toilet
>on the toilet
>feces is everywhere
>its on the mirror, the walls, the ceiling
>he took the toilet paper and shit on them then threw them into the toilet thus flooding the room
>he even smeared his shit on the door handle
>mfw i cant even leave because the door closed behind me and theres shit on the handle
>i vomit into the sink because the smell was overwhelming
>the vomit mixed with shit and his hair makes me vomit more
>i call for assistance on my cell phone
>manager comes in and gasps
>i run outside
>hear his electric cart groan toward his bus
>i hate fat people

1 comment:

  1. Oh.. my... god.. I'm sorry u went through that..
