Friday, 2 May 2014

Suspensions all around :)

>Be a teacher at a low income area
>Have two annoying fat bitches for students
>Both are your typical "tee hee" fat bitches, always want all the attention, think they're fucking cute, and never stop fucking talking
>They have that heavy breathing fat bitch voice that makes you want to maul kittens
>They hate me because I don't fall for their bullshit

So this event occurred earlier this week:

>Student has a breakdown during class, starts crying
>I send her outside, tell her to go get water let her know I'll have assistants escort her to the counselors
>Hambeast 1 and Hambeast 2 feel the need to console this girl they don't know
>I tell them not to put that burden on their joints and stay seated
>They refuse and commence to waddle, causing a minor earthquake, but it's southern California
>I tell them to sit down
>They were probably chewing on jerky because they couldn't hear me
>At this point it's obvious these bitches are just after attention
>One of my favorite students yells at them to sit down
Hambeast 1: We need to help her.
Hambeast 2: She trusts us!
Student: You don't even trust your own bodies.
>Hear "Ooohs!", they're not social justice warriors yet, and thankfully no one in class is either

Hambeast 1 and 2 get pissy and leave, I shut the door on them, and call the office, telling them that they walked out of my classroom

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