>At local shitty mall
>Mall has gym that I go to (goodlife fitness)
>Walking back from gym, have my goodlife bag
>bag is bright red and has "Goodlife Fitness" printed on every possible surface
>decide to pick up some groceries, since theirs a walmart right next door
>walking through walmart, picking up bananas, tuna, oats, protein powder and shit
>At check out, hambeast in front of me is slowed because hambeast on cash cant process her 10+ bags of chips fast enough
>Line of hambeasts form up behind me
>Lardass cashier has sat down, due to the strain of lifting a bag of chips over a scanner
>Hambeasts shifting from foot to foot, trying to rest their legs as they are not used to standing upright for so long
>Several of them pull chocolate bars and shit off the shelf and start eating
>finally my turn to pay
>Start loading my healthy shit onto the conveyor belt thing
>Woman/beast behind me comments on my bag and food attire
>"Hey you shouldn't come here and brag how healthy you are, its rude"
>how is it rude that I'm eating healthy and exercising?
>"You are fat-shaming everyone here, you probably think your so great with your bag, shoving it in everyone's face"
>she pauses to weeze in a breath
>"Some of us cant help it, so you need to keep that to yourself"
>Herd murmels in agreement
>I'm a little mad, so I retort "Well maybe if you stopped eating so poorly, and started exercising more, you wouldn't look so completely hideous".
>Hambeast turns to the shade of ham in embarrassment
>I get out of there, mildy upset
>TFW most of the herd migrates over to the McDonalds after buying bags of chips and soda and other horrible stuff
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