Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Fatties can exercise and won't, and you're dying to but can't

>sitting in outpatients at hospital waiting for follow up appointment for appendectomy
>surrounded by old, sick and injured and a woman that looks like aileen wuornos
>across from me is easily 300lb pork mass with its leg in a compression bandage poking out from beneath it's 5XL floral muumuu
>sitting next to lardmass is its presumably male mate, at least another 60lb heavier again, casually scratching its panniculus
>both steadily raping a sack of candy bars they bought with them
>both talking about having KFC for dinner
>both draining 2 litre cokes down their fat tube-necks
>this goes on for an hour until a doctor is ready for them
>they get called to the diabetes treatment unit
>i am dissapoint
>get called up soon after by my surgeon, says i'm healing well but can't lift for another two months
>not happy, my precious gains will die
>see adipose moons orbiting out just ahead of me when i leave
>Overhear them talking about doing exercise at the doctors request, followed by how hard it is and that they're not going to bother
>tfw fatties can exercise and won't, and you're dying to but can't

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