Monday, 8 April 2013

Nobody wakes up one day and says that they want to be a fatass.

I can understand why people chooses food for an addiction (just like any other drug). Nobody wakes up one day and says that they want to be a fatass. They're eating to hide their emotions. Yes, all fatties need to exercise and eat healthy, but the weight won't stay off for good if they don't work on their emotional baggage.

Take David Smith as a great example. He was fat for pretty much a majority of his life. He was molested as a kid and used food to hide his emotions and to try to not be "attractive". He was a fatass for a huge part of his life. He did get a personal trainer, hate healthy, exercised and lost the weight. But he gained all back. Why? Because he never dealt with this real issues. He failed to work on himself mentally/spiritually, and because of it became a drug addicted and an alcoholic. He lost his best friend (who was his personal trainer), and when drugs/alcohol didn't fix his issues he turned back to food and became a hamplanet again.

People who have been fat for a majority of their life have emotional baggage. If they refuse to work their bullshit out, they'll never be able to keep off the weight.

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