Wednesday, 25 September 2013

>be 16
>be horny as shit start of summer to senior year
>have chubby girl always texting and hinting she wants the d
>friend convinces me "fuck it whatever who will know"
>invite her over the one time I have open house
>she asks what do you want to do
>i make out with her and get her in my room because what the fuck do you think you're here for
>half hour of this garbage pit
>she finally gets naked and is jerking me
>I tell her to get on the bed while I go get condom
>cannot find fucking condom so I get one from my brother's room
>come back and she's leaned against my bedpost
>i climb aboard and try to stick it in
>my knee literally smacks the fucking wall as I come down
>she does not open her legs the tiniest bit for me to slide anything in
>I ask her to open her legs a bit like she were sitting pretzel style (idk she had sex only once before and I was trying to be nice)
>she says she isnt flexible enough to to that
>take my damn matress and put it on the floor
>tell her to get on the floor
>grab one leg and put it on my shoulder, grab the other and have it awkwardly on my side
>ram it in while holding up pounds of leg
>go for a few minutes til i hear strange thumping noise
>realize every time I thrust I smack her head into my nightstand
>ask if she's okay
>*huff* yes *huff* *huff* yes. Literal 30 seconds between each yes
>little bit more of this and I fake finish
>tell her she should just leave

I drove her to my house and made her get her own ride back home

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