>Be at dentist because checkup
>In waiting room with dwarf planet
>Dentist comes out, talks to her, asks pre-mouthjabbing questions
>Pluto says "I have a few sores in my mouth"
>Dentist asks about what she's done to try and fix it so he knows what to do for her
>"I had these sores for a week, but I didn't brush my teeth because I thought they would go away and the toothbrush only hurt more"
>mfw the dentist's face falls
>mfw fat people "hygeine"
Saturday, 21 June 2014
Monday, 9 June 2014
There was this one really big dude, probably 350 pounds in my philosophy department throughout university.
Now I guess I don't really have a story so much as I have just an enlightening window into fat people.
I mean I liked this guy to begin with, he is a nice guy and he's actually really smart (grad school now).
Regardless, he is all of the following:
>has extreme anxiety
>has a blog against fatism
One time we got into an argument about one of the statuses he posted.
> posts something along the lines of "society and our institutions are the reason why girls don't find me attractive. Fatism is embedded in society and everywhere and if it weren't for that girls would like me. I hate when girls call me cute or don't think of me as sexy, i'm sexy too".
>I start messaging him on facebook chat that I think the reason girls don't find him attractive is more biological, like you won't be a good provider, or even other things like the science of attraction, symmetry of a face and body and when your face is smushed in because of your fat your'e not gonna be good looking.
>basically he whines and says i'm being inconsiderate etc. and leaves the argument
this is the worst story ever but I typed it now and there's no going back
I mean I liked this guy to begin with, he is a nice guy and he's actually really smart (grad school now).
Regardless, he is all of the following:
>has extreme anxiety
>has a blog against fatism
One time we got into an argument about one of the statuses he posted.
> posts something along the lines of "society and our institutions are the reason why girls don't find me attractive. Fatism is embedded in society and everywhere and if it weren't for that girls would like me. I hate when girls call me cute or don't think of me as sexy, i'm sexy too".
>I start messaging him on facebook chat that I think the reason girls don't find him attractive is more biological, like you won't be a good provider, or even other things like the science of attraction, symmetry of a face and body and when your face is smushed in because of your fat your'e not gonna be good looking.
>basically he whines and says i'm being inconsiderate etc. and leaves the argument
this is the worst story ever but I typed it now and there's no going back
Sunday, 8 June 2014
Happened a couple years ago, I still thank my friend for having perfect timing.
>be teenager at open bar because fake IDs
>with a couple friends, people getting totally smashed
>my friend was doing a tequila challenge, I was sitting with some dudes from his band
>notice a girl looking at me and giggling to her group of friends, all female
>she walks up to me and says "wow, you're really cute" or some shit like that
>girl was slightly chubby but with tits and ass sculpted by god himself
>disregard spaghetti, pull her and start making out
>hear her friends giggling
>we part, she's looking at me
>"my friend also thinks you're cute, wanna make out with her too?"
>"what friend"
>she points to their table
>I didn't notice that couch was a person
>a hambeast rises, as wide as the entire group of girls, and starts coming my way
>she's obviously way stronger and wider than I am
>chubby qt says "you can have these later if you do her first" and lowers neck of her shirt, quickly flashing
>I look at hambeast
>Hambeast drunkenly says "I wanna flash you toooo" and fully raises shirt
>my friend finishes tequila challenge
>looks our way, sees hambeast's lard appendages
>projectile vomits
>vomits non-stop all the way to the bathroom while gurgling my name
>I run after him
>mfw "Don't do it brooooo" was the phrase of the year, as it echoed off the bathroom walls while my friend hugged the toilet
Saturday, 7 June 2014
Fucking Cedric.
>5th grade
>there's this kid named Cedric
>Cedric was easily the fattest person I'd seen in my life to that point
>he's Filipino so he had that upturned nose deal, made him look legitimately like a pig
>probably weighed more than about five other classmates put together
>will never know since on "fitness day" (they just check your height and weight) everyone had to stand outside when Cedric got weighed
>only when Cedric was weighed
>once saw him pull out a whole king-sized box of Whoppers (the malted chocolate candy) from his pocket
>once saw him fish out a box of Lunchable's nachos from the trash and eat it
>once saw him walk away with five cups of root beer floats during some class party
>he once went around to all the students during lunch asking if he could buy their lunches off them
>fucking Cedric
>Cedric went back to the Philippines at the end of the year
>at the time thought the Philippines were a third world country where kids had to do manual labor and couldn't afford food
>thought he would lose weight
>little did I know that the whole country is full of fat fucks
>there's this kid named Cedric
>Cedric was easily the fattest person I'd seen in my life to that point
>he's Filipino so he had that upturned nose deal, made him look legitimately like a pig
>probably weighed more than about five other classmates put together
>will never know since on "fitness day" (they just check your height and weight) everyone had to stand outside when Cedric got weighed
>only when Cedric was weighed
>once saw him pull out a whole king-sized box of Whoppers (the malted chocolate candy) from his pocket
>once saw him fish out a box of Lunchable's nachos from the trash and eat it
>once saw him walk away with five cups of root beer floats during some class party
>he once went around to all the students during lunch asking if he could buy their lunches off them
>fucking Cedric
>Cedric went back to the Philippines at the end of the year
>at the time thought the Philippines were a third world country where kids had to do manual labor and couldn't afford food
>thought he would lose weight
>little did I know that the whole country is full of fat fucks
Friday, 6 June 2014
Whenever I see a fat mom or fat kids, I feel fucking awful inside. The families suffer too.
>mom died from cancer when I was 13
>dad died in Iraq 2005
>raised by my aunt cuz still in 9th grade
>she's roughly 400lbs, uses a toilet grabber to wipe herself after toileting (then puts in ziplock bag)
>uses a walker, and wheelchair
>she's a bad diabetic
>when I graduated, she ended up getting cellulitis in her leg
>turned into gangrene
>turned into sepsis
>turned into endocarditis and made her heart valves fail
>seeing first hand how being overweight can kill and maim a family
>dad died in Iraq 2005
>raised by my aunt cuz still in 9th grade
>she's roughly 400lbs, uses a toilet grabber to wipe herself after toileting (then puts in ziplock bag)
>uses a walker, and wheelchair
>she's a bad diabetic
>when I graduated, she ended up getting cellulitis in her leg
>turned into gangrene
>turned into sepsis
>turned into endocarditis and made her heart valves fail
>seeing first hand how being overweight can kill and maim a family
Thursday, 5 June 2014
Not really a fps, just a tale of me screaming at a disgusting fatty.(Shit dude, social skills much)
>Waiting in line a Starbucks
>Standing behind this fat hipster woman
>If tumblr was a person, it would be her
>Hear her complaining there should be seats to use whilst waiting in line
>I let out a little laugh and she hears
>Are you laughing at me?
>Her face is bright red
>She is probably thinking about the tumblr post she'll make of this later on
>I slowly exhale
>Yes, if you weren't such an overweight pig you'd be able to stand up for 5min without being out of breath
>Everyone is now staring
>I look around and realise I made a huge mistake
>Over half the customers are obese
>3 staff members too
>Glance over to a ripped as fwark guy on his Macbook
>He shakes his head as if to say I'm on my own
>Hambeast is now shaking with a mix of rage and embarrassment
>Starts screaming about thin privilege and how I'm another entitled cis male
>Fat beta male coffee worker chimes in and agrees with her
>Everyone looking at me in disgust
>I let out a sigh and just leave
Don't know what else I could've done.
>Standing behind this fat hipster woman
>If tumblr was a person, it would be her
>Hear her complaining there should be seats to use whilst waiting in line
>I let out a little laugh and she hears
>Are you laughing at me?
>Her face is bright red
>She is probably thinking about the tumblr post she'll make of this later on
>I slowly exhale
>Yes, if you weren't such an overweight pig you'd be able to stand up for 5min without being out of breath
>Everyone is now staring
>I look around and realise I made a huge mistake
>Over half the customers are obese
>3 staff members too
>Glance over to a ripped as fwark guy on his Macbook
>He shakes his head as if to say I'm on my own
>Hambeast is now shaking with a mix of rage and embarrassment
>Starts screaming about thin privilege and how I'm another entitled cis male
>Fat beta male coffee worker chimes in and agrees with her
>Everyone looking at me in disgust
>I let out a sigh and just leave
Don't know what else I could've done.
Wednesday, 4 June 2014
I've realized that I have a FPS of my own. This might be kind of long, but we'll see.
Quick background info:
>college study abroad trip in Thailand
>trip was faculty led, so two college profs and one coordinator in our group
>the coordinator, we'll call her L, weighed an easy 400 lbs
>got horrified looks from the locals everywhere she waddled
>so big she can't walk normally, literally tilts back and forth comically, can't go for more than a few minutes without sitting
>to top it off, she's a really rude person. one you'd expect to see posting on TITP
>constantly bitches about everything
>never does her job of coordinating the trip, essentially exists as a living anchor along for the ride
I can't possibly detail all the misadventures of this blubber titan, but here are some memorable ones.
>it was some buddhist holiday, so the whole city makes a pilgrimage up this mountain to the temple
>she tried to make it into a big personal challenge, how she was definitely going to make the hike with the rest of the group
>other profs (who've done this before) try to tell her not to attempt it, because it's a mile or two uphill
>she ignores them, because naturally she knows best
>she makes it about a quarter mile before demanding that we get a vehicle to haul her ass the rest of the way
>when the temple is in sight, she exits the vehicle and walks the rest of the way dripping sweat from her rolls
>is proud as fuck of herself
>reaches the temple and realizes there's like a thousand stairs to climb to actually enter
>gives up and waits for us at the entrance, bitches the whole rest of the night
>our group flew north to China for a week as part of the trip, and L came along, insisting that she needed to be there
>we booked a tour bus to take us around southeast China, super rural area in the middle of nowhere
>she couldn't enter the bus without help, but got bitchy if you offered help (Are you calling me heavy??)
>absolute bro of a tour guide somehow found this like bamboo woven stool and puts it down so L can get on the bus
>she's humiliated, but accepts the help
>continues to use the stool for the next day or so
>heading to the airport to fly to another part of China
>tourbro shows up and gives us the stool to keep
>L fucking checks it as baggage
>struggling to contain my laughter
>we get to our destination and waiting at baggage claim
>everyone has their bags, L is panicking because the stool hasn't come out yet
>it finally shows up, she's visibly relieved
>we get on tour bus #2 with help of the stool
>the seats aren't big enough for her to fit in comfortably; her enormous gut is pressed up against the metal bar in front of her
This is where the story takes a turn for the worse
>i'm sitting behind the driver next to a qt3.14, we're chatting and having a general good time
>L orders her to move so she can try fitting into the seat next to me
>i am now utterly smashed between the window and this sweating, stinking behemoth for what was probably only about a 30 minute ride, but felt like hours
>finally we get to the town we're staying at
>it's at like 12000 feet elevation
>she has trouble breathing after walking 10 steps
>has to basically stay immobile or on the bus
>our trip is fucked over because we're essentially stuck with her and she can't do shit, and worse, she isn't even apologetic. she feels entitled to be on our trip and we just need to cater to her needs
>later on the bus, she has to piss
>bus stops at a roadside toilet
>basically consists of some chinese hicks that charge you money to use their flea infested holes in the ground
>she goes in, comes out a minute later
>re-enters the bus and proclaims that she can't manage to use the squat toilets because of her weight
>one of the girls will have to help hold her up
>never been so thankful for having a dick in my entire life
>one of the girls stands up and grimly accepts her fate
>they return five minutes later
>she has the thousand mile stare
She spent the rest of the trip trying to be the alcohol police, hovering over our tables and making sure we weren't ordering drinks. Tourbro was on top of it though, every time we had a meal he would disappear and come back with cases of beer. We never figured out where he was getting them. It made L madder than fuck, she never got off her high horse. Why are all fatties so self-righteous?
Eventually the fucker decided she couldn't deal with the altitude and purchased a plane ticket back to Thailand, on the college's dime of course.
The last time I saw her she was getting onto a boat to take her back to the mainland and couldn't make the step down to the boat from the dock. The Thais were very nice and kept trying to help her but she was humiliated so she just screamed at them instead.
Tuesday, 3 June 2014
Alrighty. Lard on Legs Mk.2.
>Be me, 2013, quite good physique, making dem first year gainz.
>Go on holiday to Rhodes. Which if any of you Amerifags don't know where it is, its near Turkey. Owned by Greece.
>Its a nice island, I recommend anyone considering to go on holiday in Europe to go there.
>Be on the beach, stripping off. Me, my Brother and my Father start swimming.
>Bear mode Father floating on the water and just pissing around, like normal fat people.
>Lard on Legs is sitting on the beach just watching us. Even taking pictures, a bit weird if you ask me.
>We're having a good time swimming around. As the three of us.
>Then suddenly a screech, like a Banshee.
>"Anon? Can we go home? I'm out of breath!".
>She is literally sitting at the beach, doing nothing. Literally panting like a dog in a hot car.
>What the fuck? How selfish can you be?
>My Father literally gets out, sits with her like a whipped cunt.
>Me and my brother just swim further out to avoid the inevitable outcome.
>"Boys!" Father ushers us to come back to the beach to then go back to the boring hotel.
>Bearing in mind the Hotel is literally a walk away.
>We eventually head back feeling guilty.
>Lard on legs isn't a bitch like many Fat women. However she can chip in now and then with the odd sarky comment.
>"We were waiting for you for ages!". Angrily telling off her non-offspring, very awkwardly.
>I just say, "we couldn't hear you".
>All this taken into account, we had been on the beach for twenty minutes.
>We were forced back, our head's dropped.
>Then we get back, She is stuffing herself with the all you can eat bar, coffee, shitty Greek wine, Feta cheese.
>Smiling like a ginger cat after lapping up milk. Looking at me.
>I just stared at my Father then went back to my room.
To this day I now don't go on holiday with my Dad and his Behemoth of a Girlfriend.
>Go on holiday to Rhodes. Which if any of you Amerifags don't know where it is, its near Turkey. Owned by Greece.
>Its a nice island, I recommend anyone considering to go on holiday in Europe to go there.
>Be on the beach, stripping off. Me, my Brother and my Father start swimming.
>Bear mode Father floating on the water and just pissing around, like normal fat people.
>Lard on Legs is sitting on the beach just watching us. Even taking pictures, a bit weird if you ask me.
>We're having a good time swimming around. As the three of us.
>Then suddenly a screech, like a Banshee.
>"Anon? Can we go home? I'm out of breath!".
>She is literally sitting at the beach, doing nothing. Literally panting like a dog in a hot car.
>What the fuck? How selfish can you be?
>My Father literally gets out, sits with her like a whipped cunt.
>Me and my brother just swim further out to avoid the inevitable outcome.
>"Boys!" Father ushers us to come back to the beach to then go back to the boring hotel.
>Bearing in mind the Hotel is literally a walk away.
>We eventually head back feeling guilty.
>Lard on legs isn't a bitch like many Fat women. However she can chip in now and then with the odd sarky comment.
>"We were waiting for you for ages!". Angrily telling off her non-offspring, very awkwardly.
>I just say, "we couldn't hear you".
>All this taken into account, we had been on the beach for twenty minutes.
>We were forced back, our head's dropped.
>Then we get back, She is stuffing herself with the all you can eat bar, coffee, shitty Greek wine, Feta cheese.
>Smiling like a ginger cat after lapping up milk. Looking at me.
>I just stared at my Father then went back to my room.
To this day I now don't go on holiday with my Dad and his Behemoth of a Girlfriend.
Monday, 2 June 2014
My fat story:
>be me
>be 320lbs
>lose weight, drop to 160, put muscle on, now 180.
>Now i have people flocking wanting my D
>Pure fat chicks and gay guys.
>Get hit on in the gym by a gay guy. Laugh, brush it off and we shoot the shit every time we are in the gym together.
>whale comes up and starts hitting on me
>tell her off. she refuses
>Gay bro comes up and tells her im his and to fuck off.
>She gets pissed off saying how disgusting we are and runs away crying because "all the hot guys are gay"
He saved my ass when he saw me in distress. Seriously though, Id go for a gay guy before a fat chick. Fat chicks never shut the fuck up and look disgusting. At least gay dudes look good.
>be 320lbs
>lose weight, drop to 160, put muscle on, now 180.
>Now i have people flocking wanting my D
>Pure fat chicks and gay guys.
>Get hit on in the gym by a gay guy. Laugh, brush it off and we shoot the shit every time we are in the gym together.
>whale comes up and starts hitting on me
>tell her off. she refuses
>Gay bro comes up and tells her im his and to fuck off.
>She gets pissed off saying how disgusting we are and runs away crying because "all the hot guys are gay"
He saved my ass when he saw me in distress. Seriously though, Id go for a gay guy before a fat chick. Fat chicks never shut the fuck up and look disgusting. At least gay dudes look good.
Sunday, 1 June 2014
First, most memorable story.
>Go round to my Father's. He has plans to go to see a movie.
>Receive news that Lard on Legs in sat in the bedroom cus bending over injured her back.
>I'm like "Okay, sure."
>Time has come to go to the Cinema. One which is only accessible by car. Even though there is one right in the Centre of my town.
>About to get in the car, sit in the front seat. Being the older sibling of two, I should get these privileges. Arrogance, Elliot Style.
>I sit down, Father "Oh, can you sit in the back?".
>Confused at this, it could only mean one thing.
>My Father rushes back in side as me and my Brother hear the earth shaking like we were in Malaysia.
>We look at each other, we know how awkward this encounter will be.
>She comes out of the doors, one arm over my Father. Looking like Jabba the Hutt had mated with an unsuspecting fat white bitch.
>Exhaling extremely heavily, you could even see the smoke coming out of her mouth because of the temperature.
>Takes almost 10 minutes to get in the front seat.
>Grunting quite loudly at this point. I could imagine next door looking through the window.
>Bearing in mind how crazy next door's neighbours were. I could imagine they would shout something like "Get the harpon, Marianne!". As the beached whale clambered into the nicely kept Mercedes.
>Cinema inbound.
>Arrive at the Cinema.
>We were going to see a Bourne movie, or at least the re-make I believe?
>After the exhaling, sweating and grunting. Stinking the Mercedes out. We arrive.
>Of how long it took to get into the car. How long will it take to hoist the Lard on Legs out.
>This was ridiculous, it was like a fish caught in a fish net trying to get out.
>Littered with typical fat phrases like "I can't do it anon," "I just can't".
>My Dad uses his whole body weight, bearing in mind he's bear mode.
>"Anon? Can you give me a hand?".
>I wish I could of just disappeared at this point.
>The thought of trying to grab the flabs of fat on her shoulders to try and cut loose the shackles that was the back and obesity problem.
>I grab her, this was before I started lifting, not knowing the full extent of her weight. I can't even make her stand up.
>The behemoth that was my Father's girlfriend had literally got so big we could not bundle her out.
>My Brother, was just watching us and to this day I do not know how he kept a straight face.
>In a car park, of a Cinema. Me and my Father leaning into the car to try and gain some leverage to get her out.
>Then the awkward moment when my Dad has to ask a random guy to come over and help...
>His face is confused, but he does as he is told and enables her escape from the trap which was the car.
>Nevertheless, this isn't done in any normal fashion.
>He is grabbing anything he can hold onto. Maybe he did not realise he was clutching her breasts or ass, which is repulsive to even consider.
>He'd anything to get out of this situation just so he can see his movie.
>He helped, we finally got her out of the car.
>She literally sprawls onto the concrete with a large slapping sound like a pie had hit the ground.
>Tears wept from her pillow cheeks as she tried to get up. This was either to with the pain or the fact she had lost all respect from me and my brother.
>As she is clutching the concrete, a crowd starts to form.
>Me and my Father automatically try to help her up. Because, helping her would help your Father.
>Imagine the site, pyjama wearing over weight adult. You know how fat people dress.
>Flat out on the car park floor with a large group of people starting to gather.
>"Who needs to watch a movie, when we have a drama right here!". That's what I was thinking while everyone stood there and watched.
>Anyway, we eventually get her up. She is panting, She then goes try and sit back in the Car!
>Bitch we took 30 minutes getting you out and you're going to sit back in?
>Luckily my Father grabs her before she sits down. This is accompanied with almost a "Awwwwww". When she was rescued from the luxuries of the Mercedes.
>We see the movie, extremely average.
>Then comes getting back to the car.
>Me and my Brother walk down to the car. We literally have to wait there for 30 minutes, as her central nervous system tries to cope with the weight and back spasms.
>This was against my Dad's word of "Wait at the bottom of the stairs."
>We ignored him and went straight to the car and sat in it.
Fuck that bitch. Still resent her to this day, I have a few other funny stories if anyone is interested. Maybe I bored you :(
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